There's No Signal In The Mountains by Alexander Nate

After a friend put me on to Alexander Nate's project Bluejay (highly recommended) I knew his music career was something I wanted to follow. I went in blind, not knowing anything about him or having heard any song. I waited a few days before finally diving into Bluejay and once I did, I played it on repeat for an entire weekend.

To be fair, I still do not know a lot about Alexander, outside of the messages in his music and a few online interviews I have read. I expect all of us will learn more about him, and I suggest researching on your own. But, I first recommend listening to his new album THERE'S NO SIGNAL IN THE MOUNTAINS. Let's dive into why..

The blend of R&B vocals, with gritty but soft lyrics that tell stories but speak to all of us, it's a beautiful reminder of what music can and should be. I can imagine this will not be everyone's favorite type of music. Some people only want to listen to optimistic music that uplifts. Not to say this is depressing music, but it is real. Life is not always about the peaks, sometimes the valleys can be beautiful too and this album is a great view from the valleys of life.

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  • It's Gonna Be Okay
  • Gone Freestyle
  • Do You Believe


a song by song breakdown of TNSITM by Alexander Nate

click on a song title to read the breakdown

Gone Freestyle

The subtle guitar strums to open this track and album set the tone so well. Whether you have heard Alexander Nate before or not, this is a masterclass in how you open an album. The growing anthemic beat builds behind vocals that highlight the soulful lyricist that he is. 

Let It Pour

Anyone over the age of 21 that has felt an ounce of heartbreak beware. This song is a great encapsulation of that time, the feelings, and how we cope in the moments of loss to overcome whatever that may be making us feel a way. Most importantly, the vocals and steady guitar strum rock us like an adult lullaby into the next song. 

Long Day, For a Long Time

As the theme of the album progresses, the feeling of emptiness grows in the lyrics and you can further feel them in the vocals. The wide space of the orchestral sounds behind the vocals allow Alexander Nate to truly shine on this track. A great listen to anyone "trying to find their way" and looking for the tunnel that shines the light of hope for what is to come.

Do You Believe

This is a f*cking beautiful song. Just listen. My words are no match for this one.

It's Gonna Be Okay

"Momma said no more sad songs" and other lyrics of the same feel. I am curious if this will mark a turn in the album or if this will mirror the steps that we all know during grief and coping with loss. The temporary ups that hapen inbetween as we rollercoaster back to normal. We shall see..

Maker's Interlude

The best way I can explain the vibe for this song is that Alexander Nate perfected the vibe of "being back on your bullsh*t" as you start to feel a bit more normal. This song has a dark undertone to it tho, with the strum of the guitar and the growl of the bass. Does this signal true cope, or just acceptance?

Far, Far Too Long

A bit of the stereotypical back and forth we all have in our heads about things working and not working. That said, it was one of the more upbeat songs and felt like a great outro/ending to the album. 

It's Gonna Be Okay (Sunset Version)

An alternative sound profile to the same titled version earlier. I prefer the other, but would not skip this one. 

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